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Chocolate Truffles- Traditional Israeli Chocolate Balls

Ingredients: *  300 grams petit beurre cookies (make sure they are vegan) * 30 grams vegan dark chocolate * 2 tbsp coconut oil * 3 tbs cacao powder * 3 tbs sugar or another sweetener * ½ cup plant-based milk (I use homemade almond milk: * Coconut flakes to cover it in (optional)

Procedures: 1. Break your cookies into small pieces and some of it may become a flour, I do this by putting them into a bag and rolling a rolling pin over them, but you can also use a spoon. 2. In a small bowl add the dark chocolate and coconut oil and pop in the microwave for 15-20 seconds until melted and mix them together. 3. In a large bowl add the sugar, the cacao powder and a splash of lukewarm water, mix together. 4. Add in the plant-based milk of your choice, I used homemade almond milk, and mix it in. 5. Add in the chocolate you melted and mix. 6. Add the cookies to the bowl and mix well; you may need to use your hands at some point. Then you can put in the fridge for a bit to cool and set, or you can decide to directly form the truffles. 7. Prepare the truffles by simply taking a small scoop from the batter, forming it into a bowl and then I like to coat it with some coconut shreds. You can also choose to coat them with crushed nuts, sprinkles, cacao powder or anything else you like. 8. Pop in the fridge or freezer to set and enjoy. I like making a big batch and have it in the freezer for whenever I crave a sweet treat.


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