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Chocolate Energy Bars - Raw, Vegan, Sugar Free, Oil Free

◗Ingredients (12 bars):

12-15 dates, depends on the size. (I enjoy medjool dates)

1cup almonds

1/3 cup walnuts

1/3 cup hemp seeds

1/3 cup coconut shreds

2 tbsp raw cacao powder

* Any other additives: sunflower, pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries, raisins, and cacao nibs are some suggestions.

◗ Procedures:

1) Remove the pits from the dates and soak for 15-20 minutes in lukewarm water

2) To a food processor add the almonds and pulse until finely chopped (you process them until less fine if you enjoy chunks in your bars) .

3) Drain the dates and add them into the food processor along with the cacao powder and process until you get a paste like consistency.

4) Add to the food processor the rest of your nuts, seeds, and or dried fruit; and pulse a couple time until everything is evenly combined into the paste. You can process more or less depending on how big you want the chunks of the additives to be.

5) Transfer the paste onto a pan that you lined with parchment paper or a silicone mat and distribute the batter evenly throughout.

6) Freeze for at least 4 hours.

7) Remove form Freezer, take out the parchment paper or silicone mat from the pan, flip it onto a cutting board and remove the parchment paper or silicone mat.

8) Cut the large square into bars, you can cut however you would like to, I like to cut mine into rectangular bars.

9) Store in Freezer to enjoy when you want an energy boosting snack!


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